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The number of smokers is increase daily. This is a non-healthy lifestyle that practise in Malaysia. Smoking increases the risk of dangerous diseases and causes 10–12% of death. One of the disease caused by smoking is stroke. Stroke happens when the blood vessels in the brain clogged. It is due to the effects of nicotine which makes the blood vessels become thick and narrow. It will cause difficulty in blood circulation. As a result, parts of the body may become paralyzed and result in death.

1. Reduce Your Risk of Having a Stroke

  • Do not smoke because smoking increases the risk of stroke. Do healthy activities such as sports or daily hobbies
  • Shift the urge to smoke by thinking positively
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits
  • Cigarettes cause heart attacks

Smoking also lead to heart attack. Statistics from the Malaysian Ministry of Health shows that smoking is a major risk factor for dangerous diseases and unfortunately, the percentage of people who smoke are increase day by day. Do you aware that 80% of men in Malaysia are smokers?

2. Love your heart

  • Quit smoking because it can increase the risk of heart attack
  • Stay away from stale cigarette smoke
  • Do physical activities such as sports
  • Always thinking positively
  • Worrying Facts Consequences of Smoking

In Kuala Lumpur, the ratio between male and female smokers under the age of 30 is 5: 1. 25% of school students aged 15 and above have ever tried smoking and 70% of this group will become smokers when they leave school. 60-75% of cigarette smoke will be inhaled by non-smokers. Only 50% of smokers will be able to reach the age of 70.

3. Cigarettes Cause Lung Cancer

Cigarettes may cause lung cancer. It is the most common cancer in men and is closely linked to smoking. Research says that if you are suffering from cancer, the chances of recovery is very small. There are few things to do to prevent lung cancer.

  • Quit smoking or don’t start smoking
  • Avoid smokers
  • Avoid going to places that can expose you to stale cigarette smoke
  • Practice a healthy lifestyle by doing physical activity and thinking positively

4. Your Family and Loved Ones

Your family and friends will definitely feel very sad if they know that you are suffering from lung cancer. The emotions of your loved ones will be disrupted when your life becomes shattered. Your life will only revolve around burdensome medical needs.

“Quit smoking-If not for yourself, do it for your kids..
