High cholesterol content can affect our health including adults and children. Too much cholesterol in the body will cause plaque on the walls of arteries to build up, which function is to channel blood to the heart and other organs. This plaque is one of the main causes that narrow the arteries and will affected blood circulation. In fact, it will result in the occurrence of various chronic diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Nevertheless, fat and cholesterol play very important role in our daily diet. Both fat and cholesterol must be controlled for fear of exhausting the body.
Nowadays, people are talking about the danger of having excessive cholesterol. Fast foods and processed foods are the main factor that contribute of having high blood pressure diseases. Young generation especially, prefer fast food and ready-to-eat food as their daily intake food because of the time consuming and easy to get. Due to the globalization of economy, technology is only at our fingertips. With just one click, the food will arrive at your doorstep. Just imagine, you don’t have to cross the country to have some Korean or Japanese food. It is all about technology that makes you easy and happy. So, let’s control the intake of cholesterol in our diet because health is wealth.